Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Modest Maps and ArcGIS

I've been looking into hooking the Modest maps Flex client to ArcGIS. Just finished a basic demo for United maps.

I edited a dataprovider.as posted on the modest maps discussion board. Here is the code:

package com.modestmaps.mapproviders
import com.modestmaps.core.Coordinate;
import com.modestmaps.mapproviders.AbstractMapProvider;
import com.modestmaps.mapproviders.IMapProvider;
import com.modestmaps.geo.LinearProjection;
import com.modestmaps.geo.Transformation;

public class EsriMapProvider extends AbstractMapProvider implements IMapProvider
public function EsriMapProvider(minZoom:int=MIN_ZOOM, maxZoom:int=MAX_ZOOM)
super(minZoom, Math.min(20, maxZoom));

var t:Transformation = new Transformation(0.3183098861837907, 0, 1, 0, -0.3183098861837907, 0.5);
__projection = new LinearProjection(0, t);


override public function sourceCoordinate(coord:Coordinate):Coordinate
var tilesWide:int = Math.pow(2, coord.zoom+1);

var wrappedColumn:Number = coord.column % tilesWide;

while (wrappedColumn < 0)
wrappedColumn += tilesWide;

return new Coordinate(coord.row, wrappedColumn, coord.zoom);

public function toString():String
return "ESRI";

public function getTileUrls(coord:Coordinate):Array
//return [ "http://server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/ESRI_StreetMap_World_2D/MapServer/tile/" + getZoomString(sourceCoordinate(coord)) ];
return [ "http://..../ArcGIS/rest/services/MUC_Basemap/MapServer/tile/" + getZoomString(sourceCoordinate(coord)) ];
//return [ "http://..../umapserver/mapdijits/config/proxy.ashx?http://..../ArcGIS/rest/services/MUC_Basemap/MapServer/tile/" + getZoomString(sourceCoordinate(coord)) ];

protected function getZoomString( coord : Coordinate ) : String
var sourceCoord:Coordinate = sourceCoordinate(coord)
return (sourceCoord.zoom) + "/" + (sourceCoord.row) + "/" +(sourceCoord.column) ;


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the snippet. I did have some issues with using it with the sample endpoints - tiles appeared in wrong locations. Switched to to a Mercator ArcGIS service endpoint and got rid of the Transformation and then it worked perfectly.